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Theatre & Education

Schauspielerin wischt den Boden einer Theaterbühne

Theatre & Education

Play and theatre produce movement, illustrate life situations, promote insight into the potential of others and one’s own potential and promote interaction. They produce education. Teaching becomes more than reading, listening and watching. Content is lived out and experienced. What is learned is presented on the stage, evaluated by others, rejected or enjoyed.

Education always assumes a readiness to dive into other worlds, to re-think what one already knows, the desire for playful exploration and the readiness to achieve insights even through conflict.

Skills in play and theatre pedagogy are among the necessary basic equipment for every profession that works with people either, educator in supervision, consulting or guidance: whether as a play manager, director, teacher or consultant. Creative course offerings are not just a colourful decoration added to an otherwise “dull everyday routine”. They are a basic source of nourishment for development and change – whether for internal use or for public performance. You will find the corresponding qualification courses offered here!

Felicitas Jacobs designed and has led training in theatre-based pedagogy since 1996.


E-Mail: fachschulen(at)stiftung-spi.de Phone: 030 2593739-0